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Steps to pass this Challenge:

1- Go to Google Classroom and follow the steps that appear on the pdf attached. Follow the guided practices and watch the tutorial videos.  

2- Despite of reproducing on Scratch what is shown on the videos, by the end of the practice you will have to show your teacher:

-       Your own creation of a drawing using coordinates to draw it. 



0 --> You haven't done the guided practices and the drawing.

1 --> You have done the guided practices but not the drawing. 

2 --> You have done the guided practices and the drawing. It is an easy level drawing.

3 --> You have done the guided practices and the drawing. It is a medium level drawing.

4--> You have done the guided practices and the drawing. It is a high level drawing.

Your teacher will give you a stamp on your CHALLENGE CARD

depending on your score;

0 points = KEEP WORKING

1 point = HOMEWORK

2 points = GOOD JOB

3 points = GREAT WORK

4 points = FANTASTIC

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