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Steps to pass this Challenge:

1- This is a HOMEWORK Challenge.  

2- Ask to your teacher for a piece of paper like this one: 



3- You need to write 7 lines in English explaning which type of videogame programmer you would like to be (which type of videogames you would like to create, for which type of people you would like to create the videogames and explain why).

4- You need to give it to your teacher at the beginning of the following class. 



0 --> You haven't done the work.

1 --> Your paragraph is hard to understand or doesn't contains the information required. 

2 --> Your paragraph is too short and some of the information required is missing. 

3 --> Your paragraph is too short but is well written and contains all the information required. 

4--> Your paragraph is complete, well written and contains all the information required. 

Your teacher will give you a stamp on your CHALLENGE CARD

depending on your score;

0 points = KEEP WORKING

1 point = HOMEWORK

2 points = GOOD JOB

3 points = GREAT WORK

4 points = FANTASTIC

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